Thursday, February 24, 2011

WEAVE-IT (or Hazel Rose) 2" mini loom: 12 steps to Success

This is a Hazel Rose 2" square mini loom.  Directions are the same for a weave-it loom.   Videos go too fast for me.   I needed a reference that was clear, that I could look at until I got it right.  This is what I came up with.   (The brass button on the lower left corner of this loom is your reference point.  I will not turn the loom until step 8.  If you do not have a Hazel Rose loom, mark the proper corner of the one you do have, by looking at the nails in the picture below.)

STEP 1:  Start with a slip knot over the 2nd and 3rd nails in from the corner on each end.  Follow the yarn as shown.  This will be the first layer of three total.  I would call this the warp because it runs top to bottom.

STEP 2:  Now you will create your second layer.  I would call this the weft because it runs left to right.

STEP 3:  Finish the 2nd layer as shown.

STEP 4:  Go around the 3 nails in the upper left corner and come around to the bottom as in the photo above.  You are starting your 3rd and final layer, which I would call the 2nd warp layer.

STEP 5:  notice how the yarn follows a slightly different path this time.  Make it look like the photo above.

STEP 6:  The raised yarn is what your 3rd and final layer should look like when you are done.  Take your time and look closely at what nails the yarn goes around.  You are now done creating the warp and the weft.  It is time to weave!

STEP 7:  Wrap your yarn around the outside of the mini loom 4 times.  This will give you enough yarn to complete the weaving with.

STEP 8:  Thread your needle.   Notice I turned the loom one quarter turn clockwise.   The brass button reference point is now on the upper left corner for this and the next step.

Step 9:   Use your needle to go OVER the first loop on the outside of the nails as shown in the photo above.  You will always start with the needle going OVER the yarn, then under and repeat to the end.  If you are having trouble, raise the yarn warp and wefts up a little from the wood so it is easier to maneuver the needle.

STEP 10:  The first pass is done, here is what the 2nd pass will look like.  Continue on until you get to the end.  Be sure to weave that last run, even though it is a tight fit.  See below in step 11.

STEP 11:  The last weaving pass and what it will look like.  It is a tight fit, but if you don't complete this step, the whole thing will come undone when you take it off the nails.

STEP 12:  Raise the yarn up to the top of the nails on all sides.  Carefully remove the yarn from each nail with the end of the needle or your fingers.  Once the first few come off, the rest is easy to remove.

ALL DONE!  Weave in the ends and trim.  You can make all kinds of things with these squares. My first project with them will be a baby blanket.  Will post when finished.

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog on the loom group, and love it! Like you, I follow step by step directions in addition to a video--so I really like your directions. We have a line of these mini looms you can see at They are called Li'l Weavers (named after my little Shih Tzu named Weaver. My husband designs and makes the loom. I have so much fun with mine. Looks like you enjoy yours too. We also make the big adjustable Tri Loom (7', 6' 5' 4' 3' 2') Would you consider putting a link on your blog to Li'L Weavers @
